Table of Contents

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Chapter 1 Beverages

Chapter 1.1 Tea - Labrador tea,hudson's bay tea, crowberry family (Empetraceae)

Chapter 1.2. Tea - trailing wild blackerry

Chapter 1.3 chamomile - wild - pineappleweed (Matricaria matricarioides)

Chapter 1.4 Tea - wild bergamot (Monarda spp)

Chapter 1.5 Tea - wild rose

Chapter 1.6 Tea - Labrador tea,hudson's bay tea - Ledum family

Chapter 1.7 Tea – sage tea

Chapter 1.8 Sweet flag

Chapter 1.9 Yew family - taxus canadensis

Chapter 1.10 Yerba buena(Satureja)

Chapter 2 Birds

Chapters 2.1 Goose

Chapters 2.2 Ptarmigan

Chapters 2.3 Pheasant

Chapters 2.4 Quail

Chapters 2.5 Gulls

Chapters 2.6 Ruffed grouse

Chapters 2.7 The Common raven

Chapters 2.8 The Loon (Gavia immer)

Chapters 2.9 The black guillemot’s

Chapters 2.10 Passenger Pigeons

Chapters 2.11 Swans

Chapter 3 Fish And Freshwater/Marine Invertebrates

Chapters 3.1 Chinook salmon

Chapters 3.2 Duck

Chapters 3.3 Jerky - salmon-Coming Soon

Chapters 3.4 Perch - fish

Chapters 3.5 Smelt

Chapters 3.6 Rainbow trout

Chapters 3.7 Eulachon Fish Thaleichthys pacificus - fish

Chapters 3.8 Artic Grayling (Thymallus arcticus)-In progress

Chapters 3.9 Burbot Fish

Chapters 3.10 Inconnu-In Progress

Chapters 3.11 Black Katy Chitons

Chapters 3.12 Coho Salmon

Chapters 3.13 Barnacles-In Progress

Chapters 3.14 Tresus nuttallii and tresus campax-In progress

Chapter 3.15 Crabs-In progress

Chapters 3.16 Octopus-In progress

Chapter 3.17 Sturgeons

Chapter 3.18 Arctic Char (Salvelinus alpinus)-In progress

Chapter 3.19 Abalone-In progress

Chapter 3.20 Northern pike

Chapter 3.21 Nutall cockle

Chapters 3.22 Eel Fish (Anguilla rostrata)-In Progress

Chapter 3.23 Sockeye Salmon(Oncorhynchus nerka)

Chapter 3.24 Pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha)

Chapter 3.25 Giant pacific chiton Cryptochiton stelleri-In progress

Chapter 3.26 Walleye

Chapter 3.27 Oyster

Chapters 3.28 Spruce grouse-In progress

Chapter 4 Fruits

Chapter 4.1.1 Bunchberry - crackerberry, dwarf dogwood (Cormus canadensis)

Chapters 4.1.2 Cranberries - bog cranberries (Oxycoccus spp)

Chapter 4.3 Currant - wild red currant (Ribes triste)

Chapter 4.9 Elderberry -red elderberry (Sambucus racemosa)

Chapter 4.5 Rosehip - prickly rose (Rosa acicularis)

Chapter 4.7 Salmonberry (Rubus spectabilis)

Chapter 4.8 The wild lily-of-the-valley (Maianthemum canadense and M. dilatatum)

Chapter 4.9 Cranberries - highbush cranberries (Vibumum edule)

Chapter 4.10 Gooseberry (Ribes spp)

Chapter 4.11 Huckleberries (Gaylussacia spp)

Chapter 4.12 Saskatoon berries (Amelanchier alnifolia)-Coming soon

Chapter 4.13 Cloudberry (Rubrus chamaemorus), bakeapple

Chapter 4.15 Cranberry - mountain cranberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea)

Chapter 4.16.1 Soapberries - (Shepherdia argentea)

Chapter 4.16.2 Bearberry (Arctostaphylos)-Not done

Chapter 4.17 Cherry - chock cherry (Prunus virginiana)-In progress

Chapter 4.18 Crowberry family (Empetraceae)-In progress

Chapter 4.20 Juniper (Juniperus communis) - fruits, tea, brew-In progress

Chapter 4.23.1 Pawpaw

Chapter 4.24.1 Saladberries-In progress

Chapter 4.24.2 Sumac - Smooth Sumac (Rhus glabra) and staghorn sumac (R. typhina)

Chapter 4.27 Blackcaps

Chapter 4.28 Cherry - Pin cherry (Prunus pensylvanica)

Chapter 4.29.1 crabapples (Malus fusca)

Chapter 4.30 Currant - wild black currant (Ribes americanum)

Chapter 4.31 Canada Plum(Prunus nigra)

Chapter 4.32 Raspberry - arctic raspberry, nagoonberry (Rubus arcticus)

Chapter 4.33 Salal fruit (Gaultheria shallon)-In progress

Chapters 4.34 The low oregon grape

Chapters 4.35 Canada buffaloberry (Shepherdia Canadensis)

Chapters 4.36 oval-leaved blueberries (Vaccinium ovalifolium)

Chapters 4.37 Riverbank Grape(Vitis riparia)

Chapters 4.38 Importance of gooseberries

Chapters 4.39 The American plum(Prunus americana)

Chapters 4.40 Blue elderberry (Sambucus cerulea)

Chapters 4.41 Sour top blueberries(Vaccinium myrtilloides)

Chapters 4.42 Bog blueberries

Chapters 4.43 Grayberries / stink currant / sunberry / blue currant

Chapters 4.44 The blue leaf strawberry

Chapters 4.45 Seaside strawberries

Chapters 4.46 Rubus flagellaris

Chapters 4.47 The Pacific blackberry (Rubus Ursinus)

Chapters 4.48 The Black hawthorn (Crataegus douglasii)

Chapters 4.49 Serviceberry (Amelanchier canadensis)

Chapters 4.50 Elderberry

Chapters 4.51 Mayapple (Podophyllum Peltatum)

Chapters 4.52 American bush cranberry (Viburnum opulus)

Chapters 4.53 Wintergreen (Gaultheria procumbens)

Chapters 4.54 Nannyberry (Viburnum lentago)

Chapters 4.55 Oval-leaved blueberry(Vaccinium ovalifolium)

Chapters 4.56 Wild Red Raspberries(Rubus Idaeus)

Chapters 4.57 Red mulberries(Morus rubra)

Chapters 4.58 Ribes Aureum

Chapters 4.59 Woodland strawberry (Fragaria vesca)

Chapters 4.60 Skunk Currants

Chapters 4.61 Red huckleberry

Chapters 4.62 ServiceberryAmelanchier Arborea

Chapters 4.63 Tall Oregon-grape(Berberis aquifolium)

Chapters 4.64 Dwarf raspberries (Rubus pubescens)

Chapters 4.65 Dwarf raspberry (Rubus acaulis)

Chapters 4.66 Dwarf Blueberries(Vaccinium caespitosum)

Chapters 4.67 Giant Kelp

Chapter 5 Flower Based Food

Chapter 5.2 Mariposa lily buds-Coming soon

Chapters 5.3 Rose petals

Chapters 5.4 blank page

Chapter 6 Greens, Fleshy Stems and Gourds

Chapter 6.1 Celery - Indian celery greens and seeds (Lomatium)-In Progress

Chapters 6.2 Leeks - wild (Allium tricoccum)

Chapters 6.3 onion - nodding onion roots-In progress

Chapters 6.4 Rhubarb - indian rhubarb, western dock, (Rumex occidentalis)-In progress

Chapter 6.5 Arctic net-veined willow (Salix retuculata)

Chapters 6.6 cactus - prickly pear cactus (Opuntia fragilis)

Chapters 6.7 Tchive - wild (Allium schoenoprasum)

Chapters 6.8 Dandelion (T. officinale)

Chapters 6.9 Lichens-In progress

Chapters 6.10 Rhubarb (Rheum rhaponticum)

Chapters 6.11 Roseroot

Chapters 6.12 Thistle (Cirsium species)

Chapters 6.13 Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus)

Chapters 6.14 Parnsnip - cow-parsnip

Chapters 6.15 Fiddlehead ferns (Matteuccia struthiopteris)

Chapters 6.16 Nettles-In Progress

Chapters 6.17 Sorrel - mountain sorrel, knotweed family (Oxyria digyna)-In progress

Chapters 6.18 Cattail (Typha latifolia)

Chapters 6.19 Fireweed including flowers (Epilobium angustifolium)

Chapters 6.20 Lambsquarters - goosefoot (Chenopodium album)

Chapters 6.21 Sorrel - sheep sorrel (Rumex acetosella) in the knotweed family

Chapters 6.22 Yarrow - (Achillea millefolium)-In Progress

Chapters 6.23 The river beauty

Chapters 6.24 Arrow-grass (Triglochin maritima)

Chapters 6.25 The diamond-leave willow- (Salix phylicifolia)

Chapters 6.26 Cascara beverage

Chapter 6.27 Matteuccia struthiopteris

Chapters 6.28 Glasswort/beach asparagus (Salicornia virginica)

Chapters 6.29 The Water Horehound

Chapters 6.30 Polygonum bistorta

Chapters 6.31 Cochlearia officinalis

Chapters 6.32 Aster Macrophyllus (Eurybia Macrophylla)

Chapters 6.33 Lapland Buttercup (Ranunculus lapponicus)

Chapters 6.34 Alpine Knotweed (Polygonum phytolaccaefolium)

Chapters 6.35 Indian Turnip(Arisaema triphyllum)

Chapter 6.36 Equisetum arvense

Chapters 6.37 Production of sourdock

Chapters 6.38 Great Burdock (Arctium lappa)

Chapters 6.39 Stonecrop (Sedum divergens)

Chapter 7 Mammals

Chapters 7.1 Jerky - moose

Chapters 7.2 Skunk

Chapters 7.3 Elk/wapiti-In progress

Chapters 7.4 Pansawan - dried smoke meat from bison, elk or moose

Chapters 7.5 Bison

Chapters 7.6 Deer

Chapters 7.7 muskrat

Chapters 7.8 seal meat

Chapters 7.9 squirrel including fricassee

Chapters 7.10 Woodchuk

Chapters 7.11 Caribou meat including hoof meat and rumen

Chapters 7.12 Jerky - buffalo

Chapters 7.13 Beaver - Including Sweet Pickled-In progress

Chapters 7.14 Jerky - Deer-In progress

Chapters 7.15 Walrus ivory jewelry

Chapters 7.16 Porcupine

Chapters 7.17 The Muskox

Chapters 7.18 Moose

Chapters 7.19 Mountain goats

Chapters 7.20 Mountain sheep

Chapters 7.21 Pronghorn

Chapters 7.22 Bear Meat

Chapter 8 Mushrooms And Fungi

Chapters 8.1 Chaga mushroom (e.g. for medicinal tea)

Chapters 8.2 Mushroom - pine mushroom (Tricholoma magnivelare, synonym Armillaria ponderosa)-In progress

Chapters 8.3 Cottonwood mushrooms(Tricholoma populinum)

Chapters 8.4 Morel mushrooms

Chapters 8.5 Oyster mushrooms

Chapters 8.6 Chanterelle mushroom

Section 9 Reptiles And Amphibians

Chapters 9.1/9.2 Blank Templates-In progress

Chapter 9.3 Blank Templates-In progress

Chapter 9.4 Blank Templates-In progress

Chapter 9.5 Blank Templates-In progress

Chapter 9.6 Blank Templates-In progress

Chapter 9.7 Blank Templates-In progress

Chapter 9.8 Blank Templates-In progress

Chapter 9.9 Blank Templates-In progress

Section 10 Roots, Corms, Tubers, Bulbs

Chapters 10.1 Indian potato, sweet vetch, eskimo potato, licorice root, bear root, alaska carrot (Hedysarum alpinum)

Chapters 10.2 Tiger lillies

Chapters 10.3 lily - yellow avalanche lily (Erythronium grandiflorum)

Chapters 10.4 Rice Root Lily, indian rice, mission Bells, or kamchatka lily (Fritillaria) camschatcensis-In progress

Chapters 10.5 Yampah - wild carrot, wild caraway (Perideridia gairdneri, synonym carum gairdneri)

Chapters 10.6 Silverweed including pacific silverweed-In progress

Chapters 10.7 Potato – haida potato

Chapters 10.8 spring-beauty (Claytonia caroliniana) in the purslane family-In progress

Chapters 10.9 Balsamroot (Babamorhiza sagittata)

Chapters 10.10 Camas roots

Chapters 10.11 Fern - edible fern rootstocks (e.g.spiny wood fern, Dryopteris species)

Chapters 10.12 Sagittaria latifolia - arrowheat, wapato, "Indian swamp potato"

Chapters 10.13 Bitterroot (Lewisia rediviva))

Chapters 10.14 clover -springbankclover including rhizomes (Trifolium wormskioldii)

Chapters 10.15 Turnip - prairie turnip, Indian breadroot (Psoralea esculenta)

Chapters 10.16 Skunk cabbage(Lysichitom americanus)

Chapters 10.17 Yellow Sand verbena (Abronia latifolia)

Chapters 10.18 Lady fern(Athyrium filix-femina)

Chapters 10.19 Chocolate Lily (Fritillaria lanceolata)

Chapters 10.20 Scirpus lacustris

Chapters 10.21 Sedge family

Chapters 10.22 Sweet cicely (Osmorhiza chilensis)

Chapters 10.23 Allium Canadense’s

Chapters 10.24 Two-Leaved Toothwort

Chapters 10.25 Desert parsley carrot(Lomatium macrocarpum)

Chapters 10.26 Alpine Bistort

Chapters 10.27 North wakashan wild carrots

Chapters 10.28 Pteridium Aquillinum

Chapters 10.29 Water parsnips

Chapters 10.30 Ginseng family bulbs

Chapters 10.31 Lomatium Cous

Chapters 10.32 Shagbark hickory tree)

Chapters 10.33 Indian Ricegrass(Oryzopsis hymenoides and Achnatherum hymenoides)

Chapters 10.34 Northern bugleweed(Lycopus uniflorus)

Chapters 10.35 Erythronium revolutum

Chapters 10.36 False solomon’s seal

Chapters 10.37 Sword Fern

Chapters 10.38 Yellow Pond Lily (Nuphar Variegatum)

Chapters 10.39 Silverweed (Potentilla species)

Section 11 Seeds, Nuts And Grains

Chapters 11.1 Beechnuts (Fagus spp)

Chapters 11.2 Hickory nuts

Chapters 11.3 Groundnut ( Apios americana)

Chapters 11.4 Rice - Wild-rice (Zizania aquatica L.; incl. z. palustris L.)

Chapters 11.5 Hog Peanut (Amphicarpaea bracteata L. )

Chapters 11.6 Hazelnuts

Chapters 11.7 Oak acorns (Quercus spp)

Chapters 11.8 Walnuts - black walnut

Chapters 11.9 Maiz-de-ocho/gaspe flint corn landrace

Chapters 11.10 SWild rye

Chapters 11.11 American chestnut

Chapters 11.12 Pinus albicaulis

Chapters 11.13 Sand dropseed

Chapters 11.14 Butternut

Chapters 11.15 Indian Ricegrass (Achnatherum Hymenoides)

Chapters 11.16 Boiled corn bread

Chapters 11.17 Little barley grass)

Chapter 12 Sweeteners, Herbs, Spices, Gums

Chapters 12.1 Spruce gum - white spruce gum, Sitka spruce gum

Chapters 12.2 Licorice fern rhizomes as a sweetener

Chapter 12.3 Douglas fir sugar

Chapter 12.4 Gum - salsify-In progress

Chapter 13 Tree Bark, Cambium, And Sap

Chapter 13.1 Birch syrup - betula species

Chapters 13.2 Western larch (Larix occidentalis) - gum, sap-In progress

Chapters 13.3 Western Hemlock

Chapters 13.4 The big leaf maple and its big impact on western north america

Chapters 13.5 The manitoba maple

Chapters 13.6 Cottonwood balsam

Chapters 13.7 Red Willow (Cornus Sericea)

Chapter 14 Sweeteners, Herbs, Spices, Gums

Chapters 14.1 Algae - Red laver (Porphyra spp)

Chapters 14.2 watercress-In progress

Chapters 14.3 Seaweed/kelp - inuit seaweed

Chapters 14.4 Eelgrass from the ocean bottom

Chapters 14.5 Dulse

Chapters 14.6 Sea lettuce Ulva lactuca-In progress

Chapter 15 Miscellaneous Including Cultural, Ceremonial, Medicines

Chapter 15.1 Pemmican

Chapter 15.2 Pemmican -- dried meat mixture

Chapter 15.3 Artemisia Frigida-In progress